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1. The Greens tried his best to help me.
  2. I won’t forget the gift you sent I on my birthday.
  3. His parents went to New York last year, and none of them wrote letters to him.
  4. Would you like any coffee?
  5. There is hardly nothing worth listening to in his talk.
  6. He made the least mistakes in the English examination.
  7. The dog is always loyal to it’s owner.
  8. — Is anyone here? — Yes, all are here.
  9. My glasses are missing, and I am looking for it.
  10. If you keep still, you can sit at every end of the boat.
  1. his改为their。the Greens指的是“格林一家”,代词应用their。
  2. I 改为me。人称代词me作宾语, 要用宾格。
  3. none改为neither。parents是“父母二人”。
  4. any 改为some。表示邀请时,疑问句需用 some。
  5. nothing 改为 anything。因为 hardly是“几乎不”的意思,已有否定含义。
  6. least 改为fewest。mistake为可数名词。
  7. it’s 改为its。代词“它的”正确形式是:its。
  8. anyone 改为 everyone。Is everyone here? 表示“所有的人都到了吗?”,而Is anyone here? 则表示“是否有人来了?”,意义是不一样的。
  9. it 改为 them。glasses是复数意义名词,用 them或they代替。
  10. every 改为 either。either表示“两者中的任意一个”。船只有两头,故用either。

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