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on board, on the board, on the hoards

on board, on the board, on the hoards

 (1) on board 的意思是“在船(飞机、车)上”。登机(船)可以说go / get on board the plane / train / the ship.
  We had a pleasant time on board both ships.我们在两艘船上都度过了快乐的时光。
  (2) on the board的意思是“在木板上,在布告牌上.在会上讨论”。
  Put the bread on the board before cutting it.切面包前,把面包放在木板上。
  The question was on the board yesterday, but the reult was not out.
  (3) on the boards的意思是“做演员,在戏台上”。He has retired,but he is still on the boards.他退休了,但仍活跃在舞台上。

  • 上一篇:时态类错误

    下一篇:besides, except, but, except for, apart from, in addition to, other than

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